Page 6 - Teen Explorer 7 new - zeszyt ćwiczeń
P. 6


        1  Wpisz w podane miejsce liczebnik w poprawnej       3  Podkreśl zaimek w funkcji podmiotu (subject
            formie oraz odpowiadającą mu cyfrę.                  pronoun) oraz zakreśl w kółko zaimek w funkcji
                                                                 dopełnienia (object pronoun).
            elefen  eleven                           11
            twolve                                               1  I’m David. I’m 13.
                                                                 2  My mum is 38. She’s a teacher. I go to school with
            threeteen                                               her.
            forteen                                              3  My dad is 43. He’s an engineer. He helps me with

            fiveteen                                                my homework.
                                                                 4  My grandad lives with us. We live in England.
                                                                 5  I’ve got two pet mice. They’re cute, but my
            seventen                                                grandad’s afraid of them!

                                                              4       Rzuć dwiema kostkami lub jedną kostką
            ninteen                                              dwa razy i odpowiedz na pytanie. Liczba przy
                                                                 pytaniu oznacza sumę wyrzuconych oczek.
            threety                                              1  How many days are there in January?
                                                                 2  How many letters are there in the plural form of
            fourty                                                  the word shelf?

            fivety                                               3  How many teeth do humans have?
            sixtie                                               4  What is the result of 100 ÷ 4 – 8 × 4?
            sefenty                                              5  How many people are there in your class?
                                                                 6  How many subjects do you have at school?
                                                                 7  How many pens are there in your pencil case?
                                                                 8  How old are you?
        2  Dopasuj słowa z ramki do właściwej grupy,             9  Which month of the year is October?
            a następnie napisz ich formy w liczbie mnogiej.      10 How many pets are there at your house?
                                                                 11 How many people live in your house?
             baby  brush  foot  hero  kilo  knife  leaf
             party  potato  sandwich  tooth  video            5  Uzupełnij poniższe zdania wyrazami z chmury
             Nouns ending with the letters -ch, -sh, -s, -x or -z
             box,                                                                 18       old
             boxes,                                                                babies       is
                                                                      35   books            table     a
             Nouns ending with a consonant and -y                                 has
                                                                   isn't                           here   in
             diary,                                                       have              the
                                                                                      59            9  boxes
                                                                               am            got
             Nouns ending with the letters -f or -fe                     96                         are
             shelf,                                                                       room

                                                                 1  There                                      .
             Nouns ending with the letter -o
             tomato,                                             2  I                                          .
                                                                 3  He                                         .

             Irregular plural nouns                              4  She                                        .
             child,                                              5  They                                       .

                                                                 6  There                                      .
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11